GO learning - 011 map map 2023-09-14 GO go GO learning - 010 slice op slice op 2023-09-14 GO go GO learning - 009 slice slice 2023-09-14 GO go GO learning - 008 array defer 2023-09-14 GO go GO learning - 007 defer defer 2023-09-14 GO go GO learning - 006 Pointer Pointer 2023-09-14 GO go GO learning - 005 Import anonymous and rename Import anonymous and rename 2023-09-13 GO go GO learning - 004 Import and Init Import and Init 2023-09-12 GO go GO learning - 003 Function Const Iota 2023-09-11 GO go GO learning - 002 Const Iota Const Iota 2023-09-10 GO go