
Trilobita: A Distributed Graph Processing System


Trilobita is a Pregel-like distributed graph processing system implemented to handle large-scale graph processing tasks in a distributed environment efficiently. This is the 50.041 Distributive System group project.


Trilobita is built to handle distributed graph processing tasks, providing a robust and fault-tolerant framework for efficient graph computation. We follow the ideas presented by Pregel,

Throughout the development of Trilobita, we adhere to the following guiding principles.

  1. Fault Tolerance: the system should be able to gracefully manage failures of both the master and worker servers, ensuring continuity in task execution and failure handling.
  2. Flexibility: users of Trilobita should be empowered to customize their graph processing tasks and assemble operational clusters by using their personal laptops.
  3. Consistency: the system should guarantee causal consistency during the computation and fault-handling process, providing a reliable and predictable environment for users.
  4. Efficiency: the connection and communication between different machines should be efficient and adapt to varying cluster sizes for optimal performance.

Team Members

Trilobita is developed by the following group members:

  • Guo Yuchen
  • Guo Ziniu
  • Liang Junyi
  • Wang Yanbao
  • Xiang Siqi


Overall Structure

Trilobita’s architecture is structured into three layers: Core, Engine, and Runtime. Each layer builds upon the functionalities of the preceding one, providing a comprehensive and modular design.


Particularly, the relationships between the master, workers, and master replicas are illustrated below.



We implement a rich set of features in Trilobita to empower users with efficiency, reliability, and scalability in distributed graph processing.

  • Distributed Graph Processing: WokerServer, MasterServer, TrilobitaEnvironment
  • Fault Tolerance for Worker and Master: Heartbeat, Snapshot
  • Functionable Instances: Combiner, Aggregator, User Self-defined Functionable
  • Server Performance Monitor
  • Scalable Cluster and Parallelism
  • User-definable APIs: Vertex, Computable, GraphParser, PartitionStrategy

Getting Started


All dependencies required by Trilobita are listed in the maven pom file.


To get started with Trilobita, proceed with these steps.

Clone the Repository:

git clone

Install Dependencies:

mvn install

Run Examples:

We implement two examples in the examples module, which can be run by the following sequence.

Note: the examples are run on a local cluster with 3 workers and 1 master.

Example 1: PageRank Algorithm

Navigate to the PageRank example directory: examples\src\main\java\com\trilobita\examples\pagerank

Compile files:

javac *.java

Run Worker Server: (You might need to indicate the Worker Id in the filename)


Run Master Server:


Example 2: Shortest Path Search Algorithm

Navigate to the Shortest Path Search example directory: examples\src\main\java\com\trilobita\examples\shortestpath

Compile files:

javac *.java

Run Worker Server: (You might need to indicate the Worker Id in the filename)


Run Master Server:



Our reports can be found on:


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Author: Liang Junyi
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Liang Junyi !