try: print(10/0) except NameError as e: print(type(e)) print(e) except ZeroDivisionError as e: print(type(e)) print(e)
print('-------------End of the process-------------')
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<class'ZeroDivisionError'> division by zero -------------End of the process-------------
Process finished with exit code 0
10/0 , ZeroDivisionError 的异常被成功 catch
example 2 - 合并两个 except
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try: print(10/0) except (NameError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: print(type(e)) print(e)
print('-------------End of the process-------------')
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<class'ZeroDivisionError'> division by zero -------------End of the process-------------
Process finished with exit code 0
example 3 - Exception
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try: print('2'+2) except (NameError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: print(type(e)) print(e) except Exception as e: print(type(e)) print(e) print('-------------End of the process-------------')
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<class'TypeError'> can only concatenate str (not"int") to str -------------End of the process-------------
try: a = 1+1 except (NameError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: print(type(e)) print(e) except Exception as e: print(type(e)) print(e) else: print('else') print('-------------End of the process-------------')
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else -------------End of the process-------------
Process finished with exit code 0
example 5 - finally
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try: print(10/0) except (NameError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: print(type(e)) print(e) except Exception as e: print(type(e)) print(e) else: print('else') finally: print('finally') print('-------------End of the process-------------')
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<class'ZeroDivisionError'> division by zero finally -------------End of the process-------------
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Liang Junyi